manufacturing & distribution of Dot Peen, Laser Marking, cleaning, Welding & wire cutting, stripping, crimping , soldering M/c
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About Us
GST : 27ADOPJ3787C1ZA | Pune, Maharashtra, India
Since the beginning of incorporation we pride our self as young & focus in the field of industrial traceability/Identification products & laser solutions. We are capable of offering high traceability product ranging from pneumatic & electrical dot pin marking machine , laser marking machine etc. Further we offer laser cleaning , laser welding , laser cutting solutions. We do offer industrial solution for wire cutting , stripping & crimping and Soldering. We do take turnkey projects for all our products. We always examine customer processes in detail so that we can consult /suggest efficiently.
Established in the year 2018 at Pune, Maharashtra,India under leadership of our Director Mr.Shital Jain ( B.E.Electronics, MBA, Masters in Astrological science) who possess experience of more than 20 years in Product Development, Business Development & Management etc.of various Industrial Products and Engineering solutions.
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Since the beginning of incorporation we pride our self as young & focus in the field of industrial traceability/Identification products & laser solutions.
We are capable of offering high traceability product ranging from pneumatic & electrical dot pin marking machine , laser marking machine etc.
we offer laser cleaning , laser welding , laser cutting solutions. We do offer industrial solution for wire cutting , stripping & crimping and Soldering.
We do take turnkey projects for all our products. We always examine customer processes in detail so that we can consult /suggest efficiently.
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